Designing and compiling a pattern of motivation management from the Islamic view; The application of the system of relative human tendencies in the organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 maaref depertman, Theology faculty, Imam Sadiq university, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Faculty of Management and Accountancy, Tarbiat Modarres University

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4 Public Management, Management and Islamic maarif, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran


Considering the central role of motivation in the performance and the pivotal role of performance in the consistency of management systems, the necessity of designing a motivation pattern from the perspective of Islam, which will be the guarantor of the Islamic management, is indisputable. The core of all the various theories of motivation is their perception of the human nature, and the basis of the differences between Western and Islamic motivation theories come from how we define the human being, his needs, and his tendencies. Considering this for this research, characteristics of the human being have been extracted by method of the thematic analysis from the perspective of Islamic anthropology and explained according to the related opinions of shahid Motahari (RA). Consequently, a pattern of relative human tendencies from this point of view have been extracted. This system of relative tendencies, includes what can be described as limited physical worldly tendencies with narrowed scope, limited inward physical tendencies, worldly spiritual tendencies, celestial spiritual eligious tendencies, unlimited spiritual worldly tendencies, and unlimited celestial spiritual tendencies. Finally, the application of the model is explained for each category in terms of organizational culture, control, career management, the nature of the job and the system of rewards and penalties.
