Guide for Authors

  1. Articles should be limited to 7500 words.
  2. The typed text of the article should be in Word XP software format and B Lotus Persian font size 12 and Latin Times (Times New Roman) font size 10 and should be sent through the publication's website. The receipt of the sent article will be announced to the sender's address in this way.
  3. The components of the article should include the title (expressive and attractive), abstract (including a brief outline of the problem, theoretical framework, method, findings and results in a compact form and maximum in 200 words), key words and their English equivalent, statement of the problem, theoretical framework, hypotheses Or the questions, research method, findings, discussion and conclusion and sources (in-text and final) should be complete.
  4. Non-Persian equivalents of specialized words, names of people or places, abbreviations and keywords and necessary explanations should be mentioned in the footnote with independent numbering for each page.
  5. In-text references should be in parentheses in the following manner:

... (last name of the author, year of publication of the source: page number or pages); Example:

 (Hosseini, 1384: 24) or (Gordon, 2001: 231-236) and if the number of authors is more than two (Rezaei et al., 1386: 49).

  1. The list of sources (Persian or non-Persian) at the end of the article should be in alphabetical order of the author's last name as follows:

Book: last name of the author, name. (year of publication). The title of the book. Name and surname of the translator (in translated works). Place of publication: Publisher.

Article in print magazine: surname, name. (year of publication). Title. Name and surname of the translator (in case of translation). Name of the magazine. Year or period of publication. page number.

Articles in online magazines or newspapers: surname, first name. (year of publication). Title. The title of the publication. Recovery date. Website address.

Collection of articles: surname, name. (year of publication). Title. Name and surname of the translator (in case of translation). In: name and surname of the collector. The title of the collection of articles. Place of publication: Publisher.

Dissertation: author's last name, name. (year of compilation). The title of the treatise. Grade. Faculty and university of study.

Website: The name of the website. (Update history). Recovery date. Website address.

  1. It is necessary to mention the academic details of the author of the article (major, level and place of study, teaching or employment, academic rank), current job, address of work and residence, e-mail address and contact number.