Analysis of students' views and experiences about spirituality; a phenomenography study

Document Type : Original Article


1 department of education/ University of Kurdistan

2 department of Education/university of kurdistan

3 department of Education/University of Kurdistan


Abstract: Concepts of spirituality and spiritual development in both religious and secular views have been studied by Humanities researchers. A significant amount of research relevant to both adults and teenagers, but recently spirituality and spiritual development of young children have been studying. What is important in this context, looking at the audience (people) to the subject of spirituality and that is what he sees in spirituality. In the 21st century, young people greatly monitored from religious institutions, as well as some of the government and religion-based political structures. Current research is the phenomenography study to survey the experiences and a perspective of students about the concept of spirituality (what, and how, it is possible education and spiritual aspects of a person's behavior). The populations of this research are graduate students the University of Kurdistan. Researchers selected some of this student by Criterion Sampling and try to explore the spirituality from their point of views based on their experience. Semi-structured interviews have been used to collecting of data. Based on the results four categories have given in: aspects of spirituality, the ability of spiritual education, factors affecting education, spirituality and spiritual characteristics of individuals classified.
