Role of Knowledge in Learning the Skills

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Research and Planning Organization, Ministry of Education


This research aims to find out the relationship between knowledge and skill and role of knowledge in learning the skills. The findings of this research indicate that there is a knowledge gap in the process of skill learning and practical training. Although according to historical evidences the two are independent from each other, a more precise definition of the concepts would acknowledge a tie between knowledge and skill. The basis of this connection is their rational root which was explained in Aristotle’s philosophy. In his philosophy, theoretical reason deals with general issues and becomes a basis for particular knowledge or practical reason, leading it towards practice. This general knowledge, as a basis, plays the role of a ground or context for skill learning and includes philosophy of technology, man’s approach to the nature, his interaction with it and man’s relation with production. According to Heidegger, this philosophy in modern age is based on destruction of nature and instrumental approach to technology. Practical knowledge (technique and art) in Greece was harmony and realization of capabilities of things; but Heidegger considers it a kind of exploration of the truth and presentation of production. The consequence of aggressive essence of technology against the nature is destruction of environment and harming the production.
