understanding of secularization in internet social networks

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sociology, Faculty of social scinces, at Allameh Tababtaba'i University

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University


social networks have become a part of the everyday life of Iranians. at the same time, there are discussions about the role of social networks in religiosity and the user behavior toward religion in society, and the question is whether Internet social networks make their users secular or not? so far, no study have focused on this phenomena independently, however it is been mentioned within other researches without providing any reasons against or behalf of that. This article tries to provide at least seven new arguments for the impact of Internet social networks on users, including secular content, hidden content management, no place and communication with countless individuals, timelessness and engagement , fast and continuously diffusion of information, individual privacy and finally interactivity and importance of likes. It is also noted in this paper potential reasons for the possibility of resisting the secularization such as "the greater impact of the real world, the usage type and time spend in social networks, the freedom of speech and behavior of users in these networks and the possibility of the formation of religious community in the Internet". the polarization theory has also been applied to research findings and all discussed arguments summarized under substantial changes of social networks.
