Family Culture: An Overlooked Question in Systematizing Home-school Interactions

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Tarbiat Modares University


Unlike in the past, the role of families in the upbringing of children should not be thought of as a marginal one. On the one hand, social developments have dented the authority and credibility of schools as modern and specialized institutions. On the other hand, the same social developments have given families a more prominent role to play. This new balance has necessitated a revision of the quality of education-related interaction between home and school. The assumption of this paper is that neither school nor family is to be eliminated during the course of this decline and rise in roles and that the present school-centeredness of education will not be replaced by home-centeredness. Establishment of constructive interaction between these institutions, in order to improve the education-related performance of students, calls for speculative efforts. Assumptions that the existing pattern is sufficient are troublesome. The author of this paper has built on the topic of “family culture” to explore and speculate in this field. Variety and incompatibility of cultures within families, also known as variety of family curriculum, makes it necessary to recognize pluralism which gives top priority to planning and adoption of measures on a local scale or with interference of school. However, this perspective does not deny systematic interactions at levels higher than school.
