Development of a Community Education Philosophy Compatible with Islamic-Iranian Cul-ture; a Prerequisite for fundamental Change in Modern Education Systems

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at Tarbiat Modares University


Expansion of modern education in the modern age has complicated the correlation between process of education and the elements of native culture. In other words, this correlation brings into sharper focus the challenge involving incompatibility between modern education systems and the native culture of societies. One factor contributing to the challenge in question is the absence of compatibility between modern education philosophy and the native culture. To deal with this challenge, development of a “community education philosophy” based on Islamic and Iranian principles within the framework of the native culture seems necessary. Commitment to such philosophy on the part of modern education institutions such as schools and universities helps them become more compatible with the native culture of an Islamic society. Of course, development of this theoretical framework to take on the challenge in question would prove effective only if 1. It relies on intellectual principles and the value system acceptable to Islamic society. 2. It is formulated through the intellectual contribution of the elite and education philosophers. 3. It is flexible in dealing with the individual education philosophy of instructors. 4. It takes account of cultural requirements and education challenges in an Islamic society. 5. Policymakers and senior managers of education institutions are committed to its provisions. 6. Agents involved in education are practically committed to it. 7. It serves as a basis for revising of the education philosophy of modern education institutions. After explaining the necessity of developing this macro theoretical framework, the present paper sets out to pinpoint the characteristics of an “education philosophy in the Islamic Republic of Iran”. Commitment to this framework is a prerequisite for fundamental change in modern education institutions in our Islamic society.
