A Critical Study of Transfer of Technology from the Perspective of Philosophy of Technology

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The countries that import technology, in the first step, try to select the required technology concomitant with their needs and, in the second step, they try to make the imported technology compatible with their domestic conditions. Since, the issue of transfer of technology has been discussed in Iran either in the field of development or engineering sciences, question about the foundations of technology before the complete development of technology has been considered one of the main obstacles in the way of transfer of technology. The hypothesis of this paper is that philosophical question about foundations of technology not only is not an obstacle in the way of transfer of technology, but also is one of the main pillars for moving towards  compatible and indigenized   technology. After critically studying transfer of technology from the perspective of philosophy of technology, by focusing on three issues, i.e. value-orientedness of technical product, fundamental difference between technological knowledge and scientific knowledge and the significance of the social technical system, attempts have been made in this article to demonstrate that the prevailing approach to the transfer of technology is superficial. On the basis of this approach two solutions have been suggested for the transfer of technology.


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