Iran’s Social Laziness Rank in the World; A Study of Reports and Researches on Social Laziness in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Imam Hussain (AS) University


High level of social laziness is among negative characteristics attributed to the Islamic Iran society. Hence, on the basis of some travelogues, institutionalized social laziness has been attributed to the Iranian nation and society and at times by relying on apparently scholarly international reports, it is said that Iran ranks third in social laziness in the world. International sources have recorded this rank and domestic research centers without sufficient studies have acknowledged them or just ignored them.  The present research is an attempt to precisely analyze the contents of these reports and also explain the scientific weaknesses of understandings of the travelogues and problems inherent in international researches and also to find out the inefficiency of domestic researches. In fact, given the decisive role of social laziness in decision-making and macro- and micro- planning, a scholarly explanation of the issue requires reliable research based on an indigenous model that we lack today and without which the rejection or acknowledgement of social laziness of Iranian nation is not scientifically justifiable.
