Islamic Revolution, Islamic Awakening and Modern Islamic Civilization

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Allemeh Tabatabaei University


The present paper is an attempt to study the following question: What are the impacts of the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the formation of the current Islamic awakening and preparation of grounds for the modern Islamic civilization? Through a documental study and descriptive-analytical approach the following results have been found: the starting point of any constructive development is awakening and the Islamic Revolution is the continuation of Islamic awaking and is its second wave. Since the Islamic Revolution has a civilizational generation and survival, the prospect of the political system stemming from this revolution in its fourth decade will be civilization-building. Due to moving towards building a civilization and its achievements in the individual, domestic, regional and global arenas, Islamic Republic of Iran has prepared the grounds for the continuation of the third wave of the Islamic awakening. Therefore, a triangular relationship exists between civilization-building of the Islamic Revolution, the system based on it and the Islamic awakening which is inspired by its ramification and the survival of the Islamic Revolution itself. Under the present global circumstances at this historical juncture, today’s Islamic awakening, which is inspired by the awakening of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, by relying on the civilization-building capacities of the fourth decade of the Islamic Revolution, can strengthen and fulfill the increasing demand of the Muslim world for a modern Islamic civilization.
