Globalization & Spread of English Language: Necessities & Requirements of Adopting a Critical Approach to English Language in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran- Iran

2 PhD Student, Department of Linguistics, Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran- Iran


The spread of English language in the era known as globalization has had various consequences for linguistic, cultural, social, political and educational systems, whose results have been emergence of some sweeping discussions, trends and criticisms around the subject. The study of the current situation in Iran indicates that despite the growing spread of English language, not only a comprehensive plan has not been prepared to deal with this trend, but also certain aspects of this important issue have been neglected in the existing studies. The present study is an attempt to pursue the following objectives:  introducing the trend though briefly; shedding light on the necessity of promoting English language in different areas, while confirming some cultural, social, political and ideological differences between the Iranian and English-speaking societies; and presenting an effective strategy – based on existing viewpoints and through a critical approach – for dealing with English language, particularly in education sector that plays the most important role in systematic promotion of English language in Iran.
