A Sociological Study of Scientific Elite's Tendency to Emigrate from Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Mazandaran University

2 MA (Social Sciences Research), Mazandaran University


The present research follows two main objectives:  1- Studying the tendency of the members of the National Elite Foundation of Mazandaran Province to emigrate; and 2 – Studying the effective social factors and grounds for tendency of the scientific elite to migrate. Lee’s theory of pull and push has been used as theoretical framework. Based on this framework and the existing empirical studies as well as consultation with experts, a questionnaire was prepared for this study (construct and formal validity). The reliability of the scales was approved by Cronbach’s alpha. After three follow-ups, 40 scientific elite responded to email requests. The data collected through 32 filled questionnaires were analyzed. The findings of the study indicate that more than half (54 percent) of the responding elite were inclined to stay in Iran, while more than one-forth (25.45) were inclined to emigrate. In viewpoint of the population studied, the resultant of low degree of pull in the origin and high degree of push in the origin and high degree of pull in the destination are the factors for the tendency of the elite to emigrate. Among the pull factors, job opportunities are the most important ones for the tendency of the elite to emigrate; while unsuitable grounds for continuation of education and research as well as insufficient appreciation of the scientific elite are the most important push factors causing the tendency of the elite towards emigration.
