Criticism and Evaluation of Used Items in Religiosity Surveys in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Modaress University


Trusting the results and following the pattern of religiosity surveys in Iran requires assurance of their validity on three levels: model, measure and item. The present research has studied the validity of 12 outstanding surveys on the third level. Their validity has been evaluated not on the basis of their claims of validity but through reflection on the content of their items and the level of their compatibility with the objective of measurement. The findings of the study show that a considerable number of items used in the questionnaires of the said surveys have measured concepts and categories other than religiosity and their underlying components.
 While expanding the conceptual scope in this field, the present paper will increase the necessary precision for construction and processing of items used in religiosity surveys and overall it is a small step towards achieving a standard model for permanent monitoring of the degree of religiosity in Iran.
