Transformation in Education: A Discourse Analysis of the policy Actions of the Construction Period

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of cultural Policy Tehran-University of Kharazmi

2 Associate Professor, Kharazami University

3 Assisstant Professor at Department of Sociology, Kharazmi University

4 Social Sciences University of Kharazmi, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Tehran


The education symbolic order has been a field for various semantic conflicts to articulate different policy actions to bring about change. In this article, we used discourse analysis, which in addition to having a theoretical aspect, is also a research method, to investigate these semantic conflicts in the policy texts produced during the presidency of Hashemi Rafsanjani or so called the “Construction periodˮ. Economic development, construction and rebuilding of the devastations of the imposed war, provided a space for new semantic conflicts in the field of education system, which was in order to realize gradual changes in goals, content, structure and programs of education and sought to confirm meaning of change and evolution signs in education, intertextuality with signs of development plans. These signs found semantic stability through policy texts and policy actions such as the first and second development plans, generalities of the new secondary education system and related regulations such as the new secondary school curriculum regulations, exam regulations, guiding principles in middle school, "parvareshi" regulations and etc. Credibility and availability of the above signs also linked with the emphasis on the need to stabilize the signs of construction and development, and became a metaphor in the field of policy texts.
