Methodological Differences between Political Jurisprudence and Governmental Jurisprudence

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Shahid Beheshti University


The relationship between individual inference (ijtihad) and politics has left fundamental impacts on the sociopolitical developments in contemporary Iran, to the extent that jurisprudential systems and jurisprudents have played an important role in the creation, establishment, or critique of the ruling political systems in Iran. On the one hand, the diversity of jurisprudential theories and viewpoints in the field of politics underlines the differences in their method and attitudes towards the individual, society, and government from religious perspective, and, on the other hand, change and innovation in jurisprudential system is always associated with change in the field of methodology. The hypothesis of this paper is as follows: The relationship between individual inference and politics in contemporary era is a function of the methodological developments in the jurisprudence discipline and consequently that of political jurisprudence that has caused transition from the traditional political jurisprudence to governmental approach to jurisprudence. Hence, the differences are as follows: Difference between individualistic and social inferential approaches; centrality of individual versus that of society; individual inferences based on primacy of laxity and primacy of duress; the way of dealing with the text; avoiding interpretationism versus expansion of the meaning of the text; application of reservation ; centrality of the right and commandment; sources of individual inference; heeding the executive dimensions of commandments; heeding the philosophy of commandments; efficiency of jurisprudence and the produced decrees in fulfilling the needs of the political system; expansion and application of jurisprudential rules; the level of reference to practical principles; differences in governmental understanding of the texts and traditions; expansion of the scope of religion to social spheres and management of the society; centrality of the individual in relationship between the individual and government; heeding the requirements of time and space; and, the degree of responsibility of individual and government in implementation of the Sharia.


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