A Conceptual Review of Metatheorization with Emphasis on Its Challenges and Requirements in Sociology of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Allamah Tabatabi University

2 PhD Student, Department of Sociology, Allamah Tabatabi University


The present paper is an attempt to shed light on metatheorization perspectives and significance of metatheoretical and paradigm studies in order to analyze sociological theories for their more effectiveness in the context of Iranian society. The main question of this study is: what are the factors behind disarray and irreconcilability of sociological theories and how can be they alleviated? The following pivots were taken into consideration in providing answers to the above question: “attention to impacts of cultural, social, psychological and intellectual factors in formation of sociological ideas”, “criticism of fundamental strengthening factors constituting sociological theories” and “deepening of metatheorization discourse”. On the basis of the findings of this paper, the limits of metatheorization are often the borders of “autonomous reason” and its embodiments in the modern world-life; in contrast, in metatheorization based on ontology, anthropology and epistemology founded on monotheistic metaphysics, following the “rational and revelational” definitions of science, the theoretical bottlenecks, stemming from secular approach to society, man and knowledge, are removed and the grounds are prepared for transition from the current disarrays in sociological theories to theoretical unity on the level of fundamental presuppositions constituting the theory.
